Welcome to the homepage of The MotorCycle Tire Shop where You rip'um and We fix'um! 

We have our own Certified Harley-Davidson Technician to provide the following services:

Expert Installation

On all makes and models of motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, ATV's/UTV's, go karts and golf karts. 

Wheel Balancing - Static and High Speed  

Spoke Wheel Relacing and Truing, Wheel Straightening.

Front to back alignment checks.

Brake Service - Pads - Rotors - Fluids

Flats Repaired

We offer compeitive rates, quality work, and occasionally a good joke...

Our shop offers state of the art motorcycle tire changing and computerized wheel balancing equipment.

We offer service for all types of motorcycle tire sizes from 6 to 30 inch in diameter and up to 10 inches width. We stock new and certified good used tire, and tire related accessories.

We offer a selection of colorful printed T - Shirts, apparel and accessories for men, women, and children.

Ask about custom Harley-Davidson work by appoinment, from engine building to performance tuning.

If you would like more info or set up an appointment, Please call the

MotorCycle Tire Shop @

(210) 533-BIKE(2453)  or Cell #  (210) 218-1068

We are located on the southside of San Antonio at,

1917 S. Hackberry, off I10

across the street from The Little Red Barn Steak House.

The Motorcycle Tire Shop also provides...

◘ Top Brand Names

Biker Gear - T-Shirts - Accessories

Special catalog orders are available 

Custom parts ordering of :

Tires, Fenders, Seats, Gas Tanks, Exhaust Systems, Gaskets, Stock and Hi-Performance Parts, Etc...Etc...

 You can view these catalogs at the links provided below. For ordering, availability, pricing and ordering infomation, please call the MotorCycle Tire Shop.

New parts/supply catalogs will be added as they become available to this site.

Please note: Prices and availability are always subject to change. Shipping and Handeling is an added charge according to  items ordered. Local and State taxes may apply.

http://www.vtwinmfg.com/Catalog1/VTwinCatalogIndex1.htm http://www.mustangdealer.com/2009BEOnline/index5.html




Owner Operator: Dan "Pork-Chop" Rodriguez

I've been a certified Harley-Davidson Technician since 1994

I've been Riding, Biking, and Wrenching for the past thirty years.

Let me serve your motorcycling needs, by helping you keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down.

                                                God Bless.

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